Senior Staff

Douglas Hegebarth
Senior Consulting Associate
Technology Ventures
Doug Hegebarth serves as a Senior Consulting Associate with Global Resources, where he brings over three decades of expertise in information and communication technology (ICT), telecommunications, and ICT business management to private and public sector clients, and the US and international markets.
Mr. Hegebarth provides analysis, and senior advice and counsel regarding the technological validity of proposals and programs; entrepreneurship, capitalization and technology business incubation; and the market and business realities of ICT business sustainability.
As a former corporate officer, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Technology Officer (CTO), and full time entrepreneur, Mr. Hegebarth has a long and distinguished career leading technology companies and programs in both the private and public sectors. His computer science and systems engineering education and business experience allow him to quickly reduce complex problems into creative solutions for difficult telecommunications and information technology related challenges. His technological expertise includes software application design, implementation and development; telecommunications and network architecture, design and implementation; and the architecture, design and implementation of large-scale ICT systems for distributed as well as centralized architectures.
Mr. Hegebarth has traveled extensively and had the opportunity to apply his technical and business management skills working in Asia (China, Taiwan, Singapore, and Thailand), Europe (Germany, England, Denmark and France), Australia, the Middle East (Turkey, Israel and Saudi Arabia), and the US.
As part of our China project team, Mr. Hegebarth provided technical overview and program analysis to numerous Chinese organizations from public and private sector organizations who were seeking funding (via competitive proposal processes) from US government sources.
As an example, Sinopec (one of China's largest petroleum companies) was in the initial planning process of updating their information technology and telecommunications infrastructures. Mr. Hegebarth provided a detailed technical analysis of the proposed architecture and component elements; his on-site analysis and astute contributions to the overall project structure, budget, and implementation plan led to the successful funding of the business plan for Sinopec -- which later incorporated international trade participation by technology companies from the United States.
Later, we deployed a team to Turkey in support of the Transportation Department of the Government of Izmir Municipality (GIM) that was seeking technical assistance for the application of a "smart card" payment system for the GIM's expanding public transportation system. The dynamic port city with 4M+ citizens had 11 inter-related transportation modes including ferries, busses, metro, light rail, and commuter rail. The GIM program’s senior management wanted to provide one modern and easy-to-use payment system for all travel, including on-and-off street and park-and-ride parking. As part of the our team, Mr. Hegebarth recommended that the GIM focus on the common communication issues and upgrades that would apply to the GIM's multi-modal transportation network; he also analyzed how parking structures and systems could incorporate modern communications systems for both payment and gathering of customer information.
During our work in Ankara, Mr. Hegebarth assisted a start-up firm as they prepared to compete in Turkey's opening ICT sector. The company planned to build-out a domestic Internet Protocol (IP) network that would provide voice, data and video services to business customers, and sought our assistance for critical planning activities, including evaluating alternative network deployment options and designs, preparing a network deployment plan, developing a strategic business plan (including the marketing, financial and critical legal and regulatory components), and preparing an investment opportunity information memorandum for use in raising financing.
As part of our multi-disciplinary team, Mr. Hegebarth supported the client by helping them organize their business, operational and organizational plans for its investment opportunity memorandum. In addition, Mr. Hegebarth helped focus the firm's top management on important technology and strategic decisions that would quickly follow as competition developed and intensified.
Mr. Hegebarth holds a Bachelor of Business Administration, emphasis in Computer Science, from National University, and a Certificate in Systems Engineering from the University of California, San Diego. He also holds security clearances from the US Department of Defense as well as other US Government Agencies. Mr. Hegebarth is a member of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and the San Diego Venture Group. Mr. Hegebarth's civic contributions include volunteer membership at the San Diego Foundation, Chair of the Organizational Success Working Group, executive member of "Be A Mentor Program" - Mentor and Facilitator, participation in the Executive Mentor program at the Rady School of Management/University of California, San Diego, and he serves as Executive Advisor for the School of Business and Information Management, National University (also in San Diego). His Board of Director and Advisory Board memberships include Natural Selection Financial, eAssist Global Solutions, and Moai Technologies.
Doug’s Thoughts:
"One element of my work with Global Resources and of burgeoning International trade in the developing nations has surprised me. Each organization I've worked with, be they government or private, all embraced the ideals of globalization and that of basic market dynamics."
"While on assignment in Turkey, I had the pleasure of working with a startup company trying to take advantage of the opening of the Turkish telecommunications market. As the government moved to privatize their telecommunication systems these entrepreneurs, with little experience of commercial market dynamics, were rallying to the siren call of business building with the same fervor I've seen in entrepreneurs in more developed countries. As an entrepreneur and founder of companies, I empathized with this enthusiastic group and respected their desire to create and build value in a new market."
"When I met with Sinopec, a very large government owned establishment, they recognized they needed to modernize in order to help China become more competitive on the Global Stage. They were acutely aware that their petroleum discovery, recovery, and distribution systems were inferior to those of other oil producing nations, but they also recognized the vital importance of modernizing their information infrastructure and the impact that would have on their entire operation."
"I was impressed by the willingness of the people I worked with at Sinopec to embrace the market dynamics and effectiveness of information and communication technology. From the department managers, negotiating purchase of communications systems and computers, down to the installation technicians, I could feel the enthusiasm and commitment to the program and the realization that this project would have a dramatically larger impact than simply adding new computers to their desks."
"We, in the developed countries, seem to fear globalization and the development of other countries on the global economic marketplace. But my experience with people from around the world has convinced me that economic competition makes us all more equal and respectful of one another on a personal level and can only lead to more cooperation and respect in the Global Marketplace."