Senior Staff

Michael Tyler
Senior Consulting Associate
Strategy and Business Development
Michael Tyler is a Distinguished Senior Consulting Associate with Global Resources, Inc., where he provides senior expertise to global government and technology leaders and executive teams regarding information assets and infrastructure project strategy, competitive network and ICT sector development, and the valuation and management of national scientific and technological assets.
Mr. Tyler has provided senior advice and counsel to our national clients in Morocco (Casablanca Stock Exchange, Office National des Chemins de Fer du Maroc (Moroccan National Railways)), Azerbaijan (Azercosmos), and Egypt (Ministry of Transportation), in addition to identifying strategic partners and investment concepts for select clients. His experience in telecommunications, information technology (IT) and their applications spans more than 30 years and includes experience in operations management and as a Board member; in business strategy consulting; in regulatory and competition-policy matters; in major financial transactions and in university teaching and research.
Michael has played a major role since the early 1980s in the development of innovative approaches to financing communications and information systems by means of leasing transactions, which have resulted in more than $13 billion in leveraged lease financing of telecommunications networks and other high-technology assets.
Prior to establishing Tyler & Company (with Carol Joy), Michael was Chairman of Spectrum Strategy Consultants. Previously he was a Partner at Booz, Allen & Hamilton, Inc., where he served on the Executive Committee and headed the Information Industry practice; and was a senior manager at BT (British Telecom).
Michael has worked extensively with public international organizations, in the UN system and outside it. At the International Telecommunication Union (the UN specialized agency for telecommunications) he co-founded the Regulatory Colloquium, participated in the ITU Radiocommunication Conferences on international management of the radio spectrum and the geostationary satellite orbit, and led an ITU management restructuring program under the auspices of the High Level Committee on the future of the ITU. He has also worked with the OECD and CEPT (the European Conference of Post and Telecommunications Administrations).
Michael has held Board memberships of public companies in the US and Sweden, including ten years as a Board member of Telecom New Zealand, the principal telephone company of New Zealand, where he played a major role in establishing the Southern Cross undersea fiber optic cable network across the Pacific Ocean from Australia and New Zealand to the US. He has also held adjunct faculty positions in telecommunications, IT and business at leading US universities, including New York University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).